You can download BootIt from Lexar website
In addition, when flashing the controller, you can lose the warranty on the USB flash drive and the process can make it unworkable. Judging by the reviews, the “Flip removable bit” function does not work on fast USB 3.0 flash drives. The utility is guaranteed to work with Lexar flash drives. The BootIt utility supports all versions of Windows, starting from Windows XP and finishing with Windows 10. Despite the fact that the utility Lexar BootIt is developed only for Lexar devices (Micron, Crucial), it can work with flash drives from other manufacturers. This is a free portable program that can change the RMB of a removable drive and make a removable USB device fixed (or vice versa). Recently I got a pretty interesting tool – Lexar BootIt. Although both of these methods are quite old and I originally tested them in Windows 7, they continue to be relevant and work equally well in modern Windows 10. In this article we’ll take look at two ways to change the RMB bit on a USB stick: using the Hitachi filter driver (changes are made only at a specific computer on the driver level) and changing the removable bit in the controller firmware using the BootIt utility from Lexar (more universal way, but there is a number of restrictions and is not applicable to all models of USB flash drives and SD cards).